Archives: Events
Our programs are held on the Bowery in NYC along with nightly parties, discussions, give-aways, and other networking and community building events. We hold post-screening Q&A’s with directors, producers and actors and provide an opportunity for them to network with industry professionals at our networking events and pre-fest meet-and-greets.
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Past Events
2022 Festival Pre-Party
310 Bowery Bar
2023 Closing Night & Awards
Agora Gallery
- Elvis Presley “Unchained Melody” | Official Music Video Directed by Gabriel Tick
- Eve Directed by Meghann Plunkett & Miranda Javid
- Awake at Night Directed by Andrea Ward
- Invisible Cities: New York Directed by Alexis Karl
- Mystery of Art Directed by Mateo Padula
- ŁOBYRA Directed by Natalie Plaskura
- Wilderness Directed by Andrea Diaz
- Meshes of the After Directed by Meg Case, Brad Porter
- Dither Directed by Jash Shah
- Let’s Go Outside Directed by Tom Speaker
- In Love Directed by Damien Bastelica
2023 Day 1 – Block 1
Regal Essex Crossing
- The Confession Directed by Clark Stefanic
- Eat Your Vegetables Directed by Matthew Brennan
- Tell My Wife Directed by Katie Sicking, Andy Zou
- STARVED Directed by Sydney Giacomazzi
- First Time Caller Directed by J.D. Brynn, Abe Goldfarb
2023 Day 1 – Block 2
Regal Essex Crossing
- Santa Doesn’t Need Your Help Directed by Kevin Maher, Joe Dator
- Archive & The Storyteller Directed by Natasha Marie Rivera
- S.P.I.C. Directed by Heidi Miami Marshall & written by Johnny Sánchez
- No Other Gods But Me Directed by Alex Spott
- THE DEMISE OF CONEY ISLAND Directed by vagabond
- Hardboiled Directed by Peter Sluszka
2023 Day 2 – Block 1
Regal Essex Crossing
- PRIME REAL ESTATE Directed by Burak Tatar
- Sion Papi Directed by Anne Fernandez
- Past Prologue Directed by Brian Russell
- The Last Passenger Directed by Takashi Horie
2023 Day 2 – Block 2
Regal Essex Crossing
- Gone Before Your Eyes Directed by Cara Yeates
- Retreated Directed by Julia Kots
- Bellybutton Directed by Hilary Eden
- The Taste of Neon Directed by Zachary Richard Blair
- Working Class Hero Directed by Yoni Lamm, Mookie Thompson
- Catham County Directed by Lacey Kathleen Adair
- MAD / WOMAN Directed by Marc Acito
- Breaking Fast with a Coca Cola Directed by Amy Yasmine Omar
2023 Day 3 – Block 1
Regal Essex Crossing
- Shutter The Doors Directed by Sheri Sussman
- Brenda and Billy (and the Pothos Plant) Directed by Dave Solomon
- JK Bullworth Directed by Sam O'Sullivan
- Queen of the Night Directed by Lauren E Pruitt
- Full Time Directed by Jon Ryan Sugimoto
- Metamorphosis Directed by Jonathon Kimble
2023 Day 3 – Block 2
Regal Essex Crossing
- Dave & Alice Want to Have Sex Directed by Kyle Sauer
- Beach Day Directed by Robin Johnson
- Hot Mess! Directed by Andrew Kallimani, Olivia Benedict
- Perfectly Good Moment Directed by Lauren Greenhall
American Dreams – Closing Night & Awards
Teatro LATEA
- Do We Belong? Directed by Sofian Khan
- God Bless You, Mr. Vonnegut Directed by JJ Harting
Awards Party (2021)
Dixon Place
Break The Mold
- A Tale of Endurance: Celebration of the Imperfect Directed by Stephanie Bollag
- The Velvet Underground Played at My High School Directed by Robert Pietri & Tony Jannelli
- Jumpman Directed by Ron Brodie
- Day.Her Directed by Natasha Babenko
- Jabari Keating Directed by Stacey Larkins
- Scandal Directed by Pablo Mengin-Lecreulx
- Voice Of The Monolith Directed by Bryan Edwards
- Once Upon A Color Directed by Jad-Evangelo Nasser
- Terraza 7 Directed by Carlos Freire
- Lily Directed by Kevin Yu
- Distance Directed by Craig Nisperos
- Wrangling Russia Directed by Ilie Mitaru
Closing Night
Katra Lounge
- Duress Directed by Carlos Abisaab & Benjamin J. Murray
- Adulthood Directed by Rob Alicea
- Malafafone Directed by Jono Freedrix
- Debutante Directed by Ben Berry
- Oh, Dear Directed by Raquel Fogel
- Bloody Shame Directed by Chris Game
Closing Night – Live Music & Awards Party
The Bowery Electric
- MeTube: August sings ‘Una furtiva lagrima’ Directed by Daniel Moshel
- Ride Of The Devils Teeth Directed by Jon Hanusa
- Times Directed by Eyal Lerman
- Imma Gonna Go to Hell When I Die Directed by Jeff Shipman
- PÉCHO Directed by Luis Villanueva
- How Directed by Vasilios Papaioannu
- A Feast That Never Comes Directed by Maria Juranic
- Show Up Jenny Sometime Directed by Zoe Map
- Part Time Lover Directed by Dylan Rizzo & Ewan Creed
- It Won’t Be Love Directed by Samantha Dagnino
- Blue Hour Directed by Hector Perez
Closing Night (Block One)
Dixon Place
- Lairs Directed by Emma Penaz Eisner
- Vizədənt Directed by Alexis Karl & Adam Torkel
- Narcissus Directed by Grace Gao
- Ornamentation Is A Gift Directed by Ray Smiling
- Cherry Cola in the Autumn Directed by Haley Wetherington
- MANIFEST Directed by Alison Barton & Bonnie Dennison
- Gestura Directed by Drake Woodall
- Bait & Tackle Directed by Lily Newton
- Laura Wants (A Husband) Healthcare Directed by Amy DePaola
- Influx Directed by Daniel Uribe
- Gifted Directed by Kaisan Rei
Closing Night (Block Two)
Dixon Place
- Tuesday Directed by Scott Kalberer
- Will You Take This Dog? Directed by Shari Albert
- Vincent Directed by Yulia Khabinsky
- Surviving On LES Directed by Tony Amatullo
Closing Night Rooftop Party
citizenM Hotel Rooftop
COVID-19 MicroShorts + Music Videos
- Wake Up Call Directed by Harsh Pundit
- COLIN-19 Directed by Gemma Rigg
- Every Day Directed by Sergei Iliutin
- Love in A State of Emergency Directed by Sven Jähnert and Matthew Russell
- CoVID Antidote Directed by Marat Narimanov
- COVABORTION Directed by Altay Erlik
- Glove Directed by Hassan Mokhtari
- Murphy’s Law n°2 Directed by Valerio Galli
- Con Las Manos Directed by Román Reyes
- Lyte ‘N Foamy Directed by Jeremy Mowery
- Mission COVID-19 Directed by Peter Vadocz
- Wear A Mask Directed by Rick Knief
- Liberty Directed by André Rodrigues
- Constraint-19 Directed by Werther Germondari
- Quarantined Directed by Christopher Guzzo
- Certain Uncertainties Directed by Tarana Peaches
- Walking & Talking Directed by Jay Zellman and Brent Katz
- Roll Out: A COVID-19 Story Directed by Jordan X. Waterworth
- Quarantine Chorus Directed by Edoardo Sartori
- The Poster Directed by Mohammad Jahani
- Trapped Directed by Jimmy Castro
- Modern War Directed by Coco Tolentino
- The Mission Directed by Matt Wilson
- Abandoned Directed by Brian Ratigan
- The Year is 2020 Directed by Max Roach
- Working to Death Directed by Vincent Augusto
- Stay Woke Directed by Nickson Kamau
- Alex and Mr. Fluffkins Directed by Adeena Grubb and Andy Biddle
- MADBEN – Grief, dance to death Directed by Nobrain
- Bohemian Groove Directed by Bradley Dugdale Jr.
- Lost Souls Directed by Luigi Calabrese
- You’re Afraid Directed by Benji Allred
- PUSH THE POINT Directed by Bryan Burton
- S.O.S. – A Stop Motion Music Video Directed by Jeremy Mowery
- Fantasy Killer Directed by Ivan Anderson & John Marty
- Fool For Your Love Directed by Odeya Rush
- With Your Body Directed by Wynn Harrison
- Shapeshifter Directed by Ned Wolfgang Kelly
DCTV – Block One
- In Her Eyes Directed by Andrew Nisinson
- Relationshirt Directed by Joshua Radford
- The Resemblance Directed by Forrest Karbowski
- Under The Influence Directed by Hallei Call
- Ordinary World Directed by Jessica Henderson
- The Cafone Directed by Tom Bentey
DCTV – Block Two
- 180 Seconds Directed by Perry Strong
- Polished Directed by Colleen Dodge
- Her Brand of Humor Directed by Yuting Lei
- This Feels Right Directed by Jonathan T. Coleman
- Early For Work Directed by Garrett Verdone & Brian de Christopher
- Zero Method Directed by Ben Myers
Dixon Place (Block One)
Dixon Place
- For While Directed by Jess Irish
- Quarantween Directed by Daniel James McCabe
- Environmental Racism | PSA By Nathan Goswick Directed by Nathan Goswick
- The College FKA Calhoun at Yale Directed by Robert Menefee
- Writing on the Wall Directed by Miya Lee
- Giannis and Identity Directed by Johnny Sweet
- Girls Are Strong Here Directed by Scott Burkhardt
- ETERNAL Directed by Nicolai Sagasser
- Hungry Ghosts Directed by Mark Borkowski
- Hudson Falls Directed by Elias Plagianos
- Message From The Future Directed by Dano Johnson
Dixon Place (Block Two)
Dixon Place
- Matched Directed by Zack Kron
- Dress Directed by Ellie Schuckman
- The Coronation Directed by Dhruv Sud
- Velour Directed by Miranda Manziano
- Neighbors Directed by Daniel Gaymon
- The Story Of Slappy Wacko Directed by Roy Eizentein
- Brando’s Spoon Directed by Mac Brydon
- Fruta Extraña Directed by Issack Cintrón
- This Is What I Look Like Naked Directed by Ethan David
- MICRO MOVIES | “The Test” Directed by Florian Meimberg
Industry Holiday Party
Katra Lounge
LatinX + LGBTQ Visions
Teatro LATEA
- The Airport Run Directed by Eliana Ujueta
- The Job Directed by Susan Caminez
- Cuerdas Directed by Pedro Solis Garcia
- Requiem Directed by Samuel Olivarez Martinez
- Go Debbie Directed by Jane Wells
- Pin-Up Directed by Liz Lachman
- Prom Queens Directed by Cory Souto
- Jitters Directed by Otoja Abit
- Word Is Bond Directed by Alex Mastoon
LATINX + Virtual Shorts
- Before We Leave Venezuela Directed by Joe Hill
- This Happened to You..? Directed by Ana Estrada
- E.very D.ay Directed by Jordan Hidalgo
- SICK Directed by Pedro Urena
- Afterglow Directed by Ariana Bolaños
- Evaporar Directed by Ida Joglar
- I Look At You All Directed by Hernán Bornás
- Peanut Directed by Andy Mills
- The Tramp Directed by Brian VanHooker & Steve Quistgaard
- Man About A Wallaby: Neon Marsupial Directed by Kenny Foo
- The Kook Directed by Sam Blakesberg
- Drown the Clown Directed by Sinclair Rankin
- The Mismanagement of Medwin Monroe Directed by Alex Wroten
- Clear Valley Report Directed by Michael Rubin
- First Person Directed by Michael Lang
- REPURPOSED – the artist inside me. Directed by Matt Dessner
- Conservation Trip with Empowers Africa, Wildlands & WildlifeACT Directed by Krista Krieger
- The Reception Directed by Sean Sakamoto
LATINX, Female Gaze & LGBTQ+ Visionz
Teatro LATEA
- Shekinah Glory Directed by Kristopher Burke
- Nana’s Room Directed by Kaye Tuckerman
- HPV Barbie Directed by Aliza Berger
- PAROUSIA Directed by Miguel Garzon Martinez
- How to Fold a Fitted Sheet Directed by Tony Clemente Jr
- ALEX Directed by Natasha Straley
- ME 3.769 Directed by Elaine Del Valle
- Night Song Directed by Henriett Tunyogi
- TUMBLE DRY Directed by Delia E Kelly & Stephen Riscica
Make Your Move
Teatro LATEA
- Animate Object Directed by Annie Hope
- Chronicles of a Bleep Year Old Woman Directed by Angela Atwood
- Tarab Directed by Jennifer Hanley
Make Your Move (Fall 2019)
Teatro LATEA
- ISO Directed by Coco Tolentino
- Roasted Directed by Allan Washington
- LATCHED Directed by Dewen Yang
- Know Me So Well Directed by Starr Nathan
- Below The Belt Directed by Mark St. Cyr
- Strut Directed by Misha Calvert
- Sucked In Directed by Courtney J. Camerota
- Fakers Directed by Ryan DeNardo & Thaddeus McCants
Marketing & Distribution Panel Discussion
Agora Gallery
Opening Night Party
Bowery Bar
- Dick Move Directed by Matt Clements
- Firebird Directed by Anthony Molina
- Burn The River Down Directed by Shawn Engler
- TheSilentsWereGolden Directed by Martin Del Carpio & William Murray
- Euphoria Directed by Wynter Rhys
Opening Night Party – Bowery Electric
The Bowery Electric
- (Call Me When You Learn How to Use That) DICK! Directed by Bryn Woznicki
- Ruby’s Song Directed by Walter Santucci
- Don’t Die Directed by Greg Doble
- Los Búmerans “Extraña Suerte” Directed by Juanchi González
- Co-Op Directed by Nina Sanchez Miller
- Savage Tropics Directed by Jorge Chafey & Juan J. Garcia Perez
- Jayne County & Am Taylor “I Don’t Fit In Anywhere” Directed by Video Rahim
- Rosetta Directed by Ukweli Roach
- SKRZYKOT Directed by Natalie Plaskura
- Pointillism Directed by Henry Nelson
Opening Night Party – Let’s Dance!
Katra Lounge
- 3.O.W. – ALIEN’S CODE Directed by Maria Brodskaya aka ÅMBE
- Crystallize Directed by Roger Spy
- Wind It Directed by JIHYE
- Orgullo Directed by Dylan Golden
- Tulipomania: On the Outside [Spinello remix] Directed by Cheryl Gelover & Tom Murray
- VEGAN Directed by Carlos Lavezzari
- Because Directed by Abby Ahmad
- Paresthesia Directed by Davey White
- Kill Directed by Kyle Andrews
- KISS ME MALIBU Directed by Mikel Arraiz
Opening Night Party (2019)
146 Bowery
- Mediocrity, For Micah Dahl Anderson (who is amazing and not mediocre) Directed by Drew Danburry
- Dreamland Directed by Max Rothman
- Permission Directed by Kaye Tuckerman
- Rooftops Directed by Odeya Rush
- FOOL Directed by Scott J. Ramsey
- 140 Characters Directed by Dean WInkler, Maureen Nappi & Donald S. Butler
- Loose Lips Directed by Sean Kirkland
- Glendale Directed by Sean Wehrli
Radical Recollections
Teatro LATEA
- Steve Buduo Directed by Matthew Echelman
- California Girls Directed by Laura Hinman
- Sean From The Rock Directed by Max Quill & Alex Riccio
- A Night Without Directed by Itamar Isaak
- The Right Night Directed by Jeremias Nussbaum
- Time Can Break Your Heart Directed by Paul Schwartz
- COREY Directed by Steven St. Pierre
- FEARLESS Directed by Thiago Micalopulos
- Dangerous Man The Series Directed by Joey Ahlbum & Frank Linkoff
- Demon Hunters Directed by Nate Ziller
- Bierleichen Das Movie Directed by Adam Zuniga, Derek Ingber & Jeremy Batchelor
Radical Shorts
- STALAG III-C Directed by Jason Rogan
- A Head Shorter Directed by Sasha Sivan Bortnik
- This Must Be The Place Directed by Merlin Camozzi
- A Poem in Bamboo Directed by Chun Yao Chang & Xufei Wu
- The Voicemail Directed by Kyle Solomon
- Forged In Flint Directed by Bradley Tangonan
- Dragonfly Directed by Nicholas Marchetti
- American Ugly Directed by John Matthew Gillen
- Trial By Fire Directed by Alex Astrella
- After School Session Directed by Nicholas Duranleau & Jordan Walsh
- Ex Disposer Directed by Daniel Ferrer
Regal Essex Crossing – Block One
Regal Essex Crossing
Regal Essex Crossing – Block Three
Regal Essex Crossing
- Our America Directed by Dean Winkler and Donald Butler
- No Future Here Directed by Jennifer Goodridge & Jordan Asher Cruz
- Signal Problems Directed by Adam Volerich
- Worm Directed by Andy Mills
- Xmas In July Directed by Joel Clark
Regal Essex Crossing – Block Two
Regal Essex Crossing
- Tagine Directed by Spencer Roth-Rose
- Romantique Directed by Hatuey Rodriguez
- Teddy Bear Directed by Sara Shelton
- Lightstreet Directed by Billie Michael
- Ride or Die Directed by Lily Citrin
- Skeletons Directed by Adam DeCarlo
- Early Bird Directed by Issack Cintrón
- FCK (Friends Can’t Kiss) Directed by Sarah Young
Sex, Lies & Audiotape
Katra Lounge
- A Little Sister Directed by Julie Deffet
- Be My Rebel Directed by Virgil Widrich
- Blackbetty Directed by Marco North
- Brian Directed by Logan J. Freeman
- Brown Fish Directed by Troy Deutsch
- Can You Hear Me? Directed by Altagracia Diamond Abreu
- Forgotten Country Directed by Eric Unverzagt
- Occupied Directed by Ella May Sahlman
- Open Directed by DT Sheridan
- Sex Crystals (by Lord Fascinator) Directed by Brendan Burke and Johnny MacKay
- Subverse Directed by Joseph White
- Twice at Once Directed by Amos Efrat
Speyer Hall – Block One
University Settlement House - Speyer Hall
- Geraldine Directed by Eduardo Lytton
- I Mustache You Directed by Shara Ashley Zeiger
- SOLD Directed by Chris Thompson
- Breakfast at the Bodega Directed by Marina Elise
- HomeBound Directed by Usher Morgan
- The Essex Market – A Day in the Life Directed by Lisa Pharoah & Roger Ingraham
Speyer Hall – Block Two
University Settlement House - Speyer Hall
- The Vow Directed by Charles Sweeney
- The Butterfly Directed by Z. Joseph Guice
- The Walk Up Directed by Nick Brown
- Maude & Liv Directed by Natalie Brown
- Daddy’s Wallet Directed by Matthew Kyle Levine
- WOMANHOOD: The Series Directed by Jessica McGaugh
The Female Gaze
Wild Project Theatre
- So SOHA Directed by Lauren Terilli
- Acting Her Age Directed by Claire Dub
- Two Little B*#ches Directed by Emmy Harrington
The Female Gaze (2019)
- The LEX Requiem Directed by Bruno Palma & Alexis Karl
- Jones Directed by Stacey Maltin
- Uber Prize Ride Directed by Samantha LL Silver
- Walter Treppiedi Directed by Elena Bouryka
- Shadow Puppet Directed by Daniel James McCabe
- 3 Days Directed by Julie Sharbutt
- An Aspirational Space Directed by GG Hawkins
- Don’t Be a Baby Directed by Emmi Shockley
- Georgica Directed by Kim DeLise
- Sac de Merde Directed by Greg Chwerchak
Virtual Features
- Senior Love Triangle Directed by Kyle Solomon
- Things I Do For Money Directed by Warren Sonoda
- The Last Directed by Mike Gioscia & Kurt St. Thomas
Virtual Female Gaze & LGBTQ+
- But Mom! it’s the end of the world Directed by Ella Sahlman & Kyle Kallman
- LIMP Directed by Sean Leviashvili & Stephen Riscica
- I Am Directed by Laura Arten
- Garden DayZe Directed by Evie Hammer
- WINSTON Directed by Tanya Taylor
- Gay Boys And The Bridges Who Love Them Directed by Seth Moore & Cole Smothers
- Eat The Rainbow Directed by Brian Benson
- Lo: The New Adventures of Ultimate Man’s Ex-Girlfriend Directed by Meri Haitkin
- A Girl From a Box Directed by Alxis Ratkevich & Chloe Taylor
- Talking To Strangers Directed by Lucy Rosenthal
- The Comedown Directed by Bettina Bilger
- The Tampon Directed by Erica Ortiz
Wild Projectz
Wild Project
- BLACKER Directed by Rhett Owen
- BLACK GIRL POEM Directed by Daryl Paris Bright
- Cheer Up, Charlie Directed by Carmen LoBue
- Muse Directed by Bettina Campomanes
- Hanging on a Telephone Directed by Billy Rudberg
- Cadence Directed by Jonny Lewis
- Happy People Anonymous Directed by Gabrielle Adkins
- Shopping For Love Directed by Mark St. Cyr
- Someone New Directed by Monica Ammerman
- Catch A Girl Directed by LeRon E. Lee
- GAME ON Directed by Angelina Vania Hadiputri & Amy Tang
- JOE. Directed by Kaye Tuckerman